- Ph.D., New York University, 1999

Julie Van Voorhis
Associate Professor, Art History
Chair, Art History
Adjunct Associate Professor, Classical Studies
Affiliate, Virtual World Heritage Lab
• Accepting Ph.D. students
Associate Professor, Art History
Chair, Art History
Adjunct Associate Professor, Classical Studies
Affiliate, Virtual World Heritage Lab
• Accepting Ph.D. students
Ancient Greek and Roman marble sculpture with an emphasis on the Hellenistic period, Roman Republic and Roman Empire (including the Late Empire).
The history of collecting antiquities from the Roman Republican period to the present day.
Julie Van Voorhis, Mark Abbe, with Juliet Graver Istrabadi
Professor Van Voorhis co-authored a website to accompany the Indiana Art Museum exhibition, “Colors of Classical Art,” which she co-curated. The exhibition was held from October 4- December 21, 2014.
Aphrodisias II: Roman Portrait Sculpture from Aphrodisias, written in collaboration with S. Dillon and C. H. Hallett, and J. Lenaghan, and R. R. R. Smith (Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 2006).
Aphrodisias IV: The Sculptor’s Workshop at Aphrodisias (Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 2018.
“The Working and Re-working of Marble Sculpture at the Sculptor’s Workshop at Aphrodisias” in Ateliers and Artisans in Roman Art and Archaeology (Journal of Roman Archaeology supplemental series, volume 92), Birte Poulsen and Troels Myrup Kristensen, eds. Portsmouth, RI, 2012, 38-54.
“Local Sculptors, Local Markets: The Economy of Marble Sculpture at Aphrodisias in Caria,” Proceedings of the Conference on the Economics of Roman Art, Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy (forthcoming).
“Two Portrait Statues of Boxers and the Culture of Athletics at Aphrodisias in the Third Century C.E.” in Aphrodisias Papers 4, edited by R. R. R. Smith and Christopher Ratté (Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2008).
“Apprentices’ Pieces and the Training of Sculptors at Aphrodisias,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998) 175-192.